Sunday, November 9, 2008


Jakob is SO my kid. Today Jakob told me that he is thankful for Cupcakes. Love it. We had talked earlier about the fact that tomorrow is National Vanilla Cupcake Day, so maybe that had something to do with it. Either way, I love it.
Me, I am thankful that I can make my sons laugh. There is nothing like hearing the giggles from their bellies. My boys both have such a wonderful belly laugh, such pure laughter.
Jason, just coming off a boys weekend, is thankful for the wonderful friends he has made here. He is very sad that we have to leave them, but will have memories and long lasting relationships that I think he will maintain for a very long time. As I plan to do with the friends that I have made here.

Thankful. That is what we are these days. And it feels good.

Love Big, Bake Often

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